
As children grow there are a range of different stressors that may affect their body. Osteopathy is a safe, gentle and effective treatment that can assist in minimizing the long term effects of birth trauma, childhood accidents/falls and sporting injuries. In addition osteopathy can help address postural problems, inflammatory conditions and the effect of rapid growth on the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves.

Osteopathic manual practitioners treat a range of different conditions in infants, children and teenagers including:

Colic/constant crying   *(read more)

Nursing difficulties, latch and breastfeeding challenges. *(read more)

Digestive problems, reflux and constipation.  *(read more)

Torticollis /Flat spots / Asymmetry of baby’s head.   *(read more)

Teething. *(read more)

– Walking difficulties or foot pain

– Ear infections

– Headaches and migraines

– Urinary problems

– Back pain

– Pain associated with growth

– Postural problems

– Sport Injuries

– Menstrual pain

– Movement restrictions after being in a cast or brace


To learn more about how osteopathy may be able to help your child, read our article here.

Author: admin

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