IBS and Osteopathy

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Discomfort in your bowels is the last thing you want to deal with when you are out and about. Having to watch what you eat all the time can get very difficult at times as well. Around 11% of the global population suffers with IBS, however the majority does not seek medical help. Osteopathy might be able to change that.


What is it?

IBS is a functional bowel disorder, meaning there are no structural differences within your bowels. This means diagnosis often takes longer because it is a case of eliminating other possible causes. IBS is more common in women and often starts around the age of 20. At this time, it is not known how IBS comes about and there is no known cure. This makes treatment more difficult. It has been proven that osteopathy can have a positive effect on the quality of life for people living with IBS [1].

The main symptoms you may experience are bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually influenced by diet due to sensitivities within your bowel that make it difficult for your body to digest certain types of food. Infection and emotional stresses can also worsen the symptoms.


What happens in IBS?

Your digestive system has its own nervous system, the enteric nervous system (ENS). You could think of it as a ‘second brain’. It handles all the processes needed for digestion. It comes down from your actual brain through the vagus nerve, which can easily be compressed in the neck. If this happens, the neurons will fire differently and this will change the movement your bowels make. Hormones also influence the firing of the neurons and this is how stress can affect IBS greatly. On a long-term basis, this change in movement can cause hardness within your bowels and adhesions (sticking) between the bowel and its neighboring organs.


How can osteopathy help?

Osteopathy can work with structures that influence the nervous system. These will mainly involve your diaphragm and parts of your spine and neck. It is also important to keep a healthy and steady fluid flow throughout you body, to ensure your digestive tract gets enough oxygen and nutrition. Osteopathy uses a range of techniques to ensure this process runs as smoothly as possible.

If you have had IBS for a longer period of time osteopathy can help work through the adhesions using visceral treatment specific to your needs. It will take longer to get your body back to a state of balance when adhesions are present. It is usual worth considering a change of diet or several treatments over a long period of time to maintain your body throughout the year and keep the balance.

Osteopathy does not treat the condition in itself, however it is after finding a balance. This way your body is able to create homeostasis and as a result of this you will find your symptoms improving.

[1] Florance B-M, Frin G, Dainese R, et al. Osteopathy improves the severity of irritable bowel syndrome: a pilot randomized sham- controlled study. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012;24(8):944- 949.

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